Pub.1 2019-2020 Issue 2

04. WHO WE ARE 05. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE RIKKI HRENKO-BROWNING Welcome to our second edition of UPDATE! Reflecting on 2019, it was a year of intensive change for UPA and my first year as your President. Some highlights from 2019 include growing membership revenue 36% and adding a seat to our Executive Committee – welcome to CH4 Energy as a new Chairman’s Circle member in 2020! We held a number of well attended and high-quality events including hosting Doug Benevento, EPA Associate Deputy Administrator, Greg Sopkin, EPA Region 8 Administrator, Brian Steed UDNR Executive Director, and Scott Baird UDEQ Executive Director. Our golf tournament was a sell-out success and the inaugural Uintah Basin Shootout received rave reviews and requests for a repeat in both the spring and fall of 2020. 06. INCOMING CHAIR SPENCER KIMBALL 08. DOWNSTREAM UPDATES Its already been a busy start to the year for our downstream members with two major federal regulatory changes coming into effect as of January 1, 2020. Both the new IMO 2020 and Tier 3 fuel standards promise significant emission reductions and air quality improvements. FUELING UTAH’S GROWTH AND PROSPERITY 09. UPSTREAM UPDATES While our downstream colleagues are starting out the new year with two freshly implemented federal regulations, our upstream segment is bracing for a number of likely, but uncertain, state and federal regulatory changes. 10. THE LEGISLATURE HAS ACCOMPLISHED MAJOR TAX REFORM: NOW IT’S TIME TO DO RIGHT BY UTAH’S FORGOTTEN ECONOMIC REGION Not everyone knows why Utah’s economic outlook has been ranked first in the nation 12 years running, the best place to do business, highest job growth, lowest unemployment, and repeatedly #1 on the Family Prosperity Index. 11. THE CASE FOR CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The concept of continuing professional development is not new. Professionals have long recognized the importance of gaining and maintaining knowledge, improving skills, and developing marketable qualities. That is why legal, engineering, landmen, accounting and similar fields have put continuing education (CE) requirements in place for continued licensing. While the terminology used may vary, Continuing Legal Education (CLEs) for the Utah State Bar versus Professional Development Units (PDUs) for professional engineers, the concept is similar. What is new today is the broad relevance of CE when it comes to everyone’s success, regardless of their specific expertise, and even in situations where professional licensing is not a requirement. UPA understands the value of CE to our members and is excited to start offering CE opportunities. 09. Upstream Updates 08. Downstream Updates UP DATE 2