Pub.1 2019-2020 Issue 3
T his past February, UPA met with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for another Lunch and Learn Series. Our speakers, Region 8 Administrator Gregory Sopkin and his Chief of Staff Jagadeeson Sethuraman, answered audience questions. Mr. Sop- kin’s comments focused on the EPA’s achievements in their efforts. The overall message was that the EPA wants to work with the petroleum industry and not against it; they are looking for cooperation and collaboration. Mr. Sopkin covered many of the agency’s current initiates, but spent a great deal of time on the recently extended self-audit program, which is part of the EPA’s National Compliance Initiative – Creating Cleaner Air for Communities by Reducing Excess Emissions of Harmful Pollutants. EPA’s plan achieves three important goals: improved air quality, continued resource development and a consistent set of requirements for operators across Indian country and state lands. Our proposal will address a persistent air quality challenge in the Uinta Basin by reducing ozone- forming emissions. EPA’s proposed requirements closely reflect current Utah Division of Air Quality requirements for new and existing oil and natural gas sources on lands managed by the state in the Uinta Basin and will apply to owners and operators of new and existing sources located on Indian country lands within the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation. Gregory Sopkin, EPA Regional Administrator. continued on page 10 The Self-Audit Provision of the Clean Air Act Lunch and Learn - 9 UP DATE
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