Pub.1 2019-2020 Issue 3

04. WHO WE ARE 05. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE RIKKI HRENKO-BROWNING To say times are uncertain is an overused statement, but also the most fitting description for the businesses and employees working in Utah's oil and gas industry. 06. DOWNSTREAM UPDATES Our downstream members are preparing for changes to the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program due to a decision by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit. 07. UPSTREAM UPDATES We started 2020 with U.S. crude production hitting an all-time record high, resulting in the U.S. taking more than 5 market share percentage points from OPEC. 8. LEGISLATIVE RECAP CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND COVID-19 In these rapidly changing circumstances, the classification of our oil and gas infrastructure as “critical infrastructure” is of paramount importance. Summary FUELING UTAH’S GROWTH AND PROSPERITY 9. LUNCH AND LEARN - THE SELF-AUDIT PROVISION OF THE CLEAN AIR ACT When it comes to fixing problems, voluntary compliance is generally the least expensive and the most effective way to go. That is why the EPA created the self-audit provision of the clean air act: it wanted to collaborate with the industries it oversees. In that way, the EPA can help the U.S. move toward cleaner air as fast as possible. 12. BILL GATES SAID WHAT?! THE BEST TWO MINUTES YOU CAN SPEND ON SOCIAL MEDIA Here are the best two minutes you can spend on social media right now. 08. Legislative Recap Critical Infrastructure and COVID-19 13. UPA 2020 Annual Meeting 13. 2020 ANNUAL MEETING - SUNDANCE RESORT A recap of UPA's 2020 Annual Meeting highlights. 09. Lunch and Learn: UP DATE 2