Pub. 1 2019-2020 Issue 4

04. WHO WE ARE 05. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE RIKKI HRENKO-BROWNING We are now more than halfway through the year 2020. For many, myself included, I suspect this is unnerving, but also equal parts a relief as plans and goals we were striving toward have been placed on hold due to the impacts of COVID-19. 06. DOWNSTREAM UPDATES COVID-19 has resulted in the lowest U.S. petroleum consumption in history. 07. UPSTREAM UPDATES The churn of slow and steady movement through the rulemaking process continues for our producers, both with the Division of Oil, Gas and Mining (DOGM) and the Division of Air Quality (DAQ). There have also been a number of upstream legislative discussions; see the legislative update for details. 08. LEGISLATIVE RECAP While the summer months are typically slower for the legislature and those of us actively engaged in government affairs, this summer and the summer of 2019 have been exceptions. Summary FUELING UTAH’S GROWTH AND PROSPERITY 07. Upstream Updates 08. Legislative Recap UP DATE 2