By Rikki Hrenko-Browning
Dear UPA members and friends,
We are now more than halfway through the year 2020. For many, myself included, I suspect this is unnerving, but also equal parts a relief as plans and goals we were striving toward have been placed on hold due to the impacts of COVID-19. Time has quickly slipped away as we jolt from one immediate challenge to the next. While disappointed in what the sum of 2020 is likely to bring, I suspect we are also relieved that hopefully the worst is behind us (and I promise I’m not trying to invoke a curse by putting those words down in writing) so that we can reset our targets moving forward.
Passing the middle mark of the year snuck up on me, and so this publication offered the perfect opportunity to pause, take stock, and plan for what lies ahead as we consider how to not only be successful, but be more resilient for whatever is in store ahead. I understand the horizon can be hard to see beyond the imminent storms, but I hope you can also find the opportunity to pause and reevaluate. In our doing so, risk management emerged as a fitting theme for this edition.
Inside you’ll find a number of guest editorials focusing on various elements of security and risk mitigation in the oil and gas space from “Operational Technology” and “Understanding and Solving R = C x V x T” to “anticipatory leadership” tips. Similarly, within UPA we have recently transitioned our Process Safety Management Subcommittee to the Risk Management Subcommittee to provide for a focus and forum on both PSM and OHS issues, recognizing the fundamental risk management interdependencies.
At a more strategic level, hopefully you have noticed more activity on the communications front. Inside you’ll find more on why we think enhanced communications will be vital to the future of the industry and the core messages forming the foundation of our efforts. Winning hearts and minds and developing recognition of the value of our industry will take time. Despite the headwinds we are all facing, UPA is keeping our focus on that overarching mission critical goal. We also haven’t lost sight of our commitment to listening to and supporting the communities in which we operate. With each edition, we’re excited to highlight some of the ways our industry is engaging as a trusted contributor to our communities.
As an industry, we are making solid progress on a number of fronts. The Environmental Partnership’s recently released 2020 annual report shows a tripling of membership in its first two years, and I am proud to say includes a number of UPA’s members. Similarly, the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative members recently set a joint target to curb the carbon emissions from their upstream operations, electricity and steam by 36 million to 52 million metric tons per year by 2025. These are just a few examples of our tangible and impressive progress on emission reductions. Let’s focus on these and similar successes to prove the oil and gas industry is committed to working as a trusted partner in crafting Utah’s energy future.
Rikki Hrenko-Browning, President of The Utah Petroleum Association
This story appears in Pub 1 2019-20 Issue 4 of the UPDATE Magazine.