We’re excited to announce the debut of our UPA safety and environmental awards – namely three awards – the “Risk Management Leadership Award,” the “Step Change in Safety Award,” and the “Environmental Leadership Award.”
We are looking forward to elevating and highlighting leadership across safety and environmental performance and providing positive stories about our industry’s accomplishments right here in Utah. Recognition will be given at UPA’s annual meeting, on social media, highlighted in this newsletter and in a press release that we will promote with the media. Look for more information to come over the summer with nominations due in October.
Start thinking about what colleagues, teams, or projects you think deserve recognition for their leadership!

Step Change in Safety Award
- Recognizes an action that results in a significant process change or organizational culture change, with a focus on innovation or broader step changes
- Applicable to PSM and HSE related topics
- Awarded to a company
- Applicable to upstream and downstream

Risk Management Leadership Award
- Recognizes an action that results in an improved safety result or process such as improving the likelihood of preventing an accident or incident
- Applicable to PSM and HSE related topics (awardee does not have to be a PSM or HSE professional)
- Awarded to a person or project team
- Applicable to upstream and downstream

Environmental Leadership Award
- Applicants required to demonstrate that there is a positive material environmental impact and that the activity went above and beyond regulatory requirements
- Can be given to a person, project team or company
- Applicable to upstream and downstream